One Lovely Blog Award

The classy and charming Ebely who blogs at Alluring n Young has nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award.

One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you, Eby.  It is always a pleasure to interact with her.  Do read her blog, I can’t imagine that anyone would be disappointed with a visit to her site.

Okay, so the rules of this award:

*Thank the person/people who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
– yes, done that
*List the rules and display the award.
– check!
*Add 7 facts about yourself.
– this will come next
*Nominate other bloggers.
– I’d like to nominate all of my blog friends as all of you are special
*Let them know they have been nominated.
– If you’re reading this and you are one of my blog friends, then you have been nominated!

Okay, so seven facts about me.  Seven facts I have yet to reveal…

  1. I currently live 1.1 miles from the building in which I was born.  Not a hospital, I will add – my mother gave birth to me at home
  2. My favourite book is ‘The Collector’ by John Fowles
  3. For a short while at school, I had lessons learning to play the cornet
  4. Although I can’t swim, I have been white water rafting in Austria
  5. If I encounter a spider, I usually speak to them.  The big spiders are all female and speaking nicely to them calms them down – or so I find.  Although, it should be said that British spiders are moderately sized compared to those in other countries.
  6. My favourite television programme is not what you would call high brow viewing being as it is The Professionals
  7. When I leave the house I often walk back up the path two or three times to double check that I have locked the front door.  I suffer a little obsessive compulsive disorder but won’t fight it if it means that the house is always locked up.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed those little facts about me.

28 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. I never heard anyone say they talk to spiders.Stars and the moon, yes, at most wifi signals – but spiders? I have so much to discover about life yet. ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks a lot Harry for those wonderful words.

    Now spiders? Like talking to/with spiders? Yuck!

    Do you always, ALWAYS go back to check that the door is locked?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. (chuckles) Yes, the truth is that I do speak to spiders and do always double check that I have locked the front door. That really annoys Yasmin.

      Yasmin has a massive phobia of spiders (and sheep). Gloria has now taken to talking to spiders as she has seen me and my Mum do it so often!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can relate with Yasmin’s annoyance.
        Do you speak with the males too? Or just the females? Maybe they will respond one of these days?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve tried speaking to the little spiders which are the males but no good. They only want to attack you and they don’t listen. Fancy that, eh – the males don’t listen and only want to fight. You wouldn’t get that with humans…er…I mean (meanders off in embarrassment while whistling).

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Just like their human counterparts! They would rather attack and listen later… you can do all the embarrassing meandering you like

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh! I was born at home, too — with the help of a “quack doctor”. Hahah. 😀

    The fact about spiders, is amazing. And you’re very like Ace, he always walks back two times just to make sure all the electric plugs are out and doors are locked.

    Liked by 1 person

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